Junior Achievement is the largest international organization focused on economic and entrepreneurial education, with programs in 40 countries across Europe and over 100 worldwide.
In Romania, more than 290,000 young people from over 1,800 pre-university and higher education institutions take part annually in JA’s applied learning and project-based programs, projects and competitions developed in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, educational institutions and JA supporters in Romania.


School and university students are inspired to gain basic knowledge about jobs and careers by taking part in Junior Achievement programs.


Students over 16 and their teachers acquire new skills and abilities by attending courses, trainings and webinars.


Young people prove mastery of the skills they have acquired in job shadows, internships, apprenticeships and new workplaces.



8 Lisabona St.,
011787, Bucharest, Romania


(+40) 21 312 31 94

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