JA BizzFactory™ National Incubator

JA BizzFactory™ National Incubator

Teachers enrolled in the Junior Achievement entrepreneurship education program can register their student teams for the JA BizzFactory™ national business incubator until January 31, 2024! The incubator is open to all young people who wish to develop a business concept and then test it in the marketplace by launching and managing a pilot business/start-up to enter for awards.

The JA BizzFactory™ national entrepreneurship incubator is the most important component of the international Junior Achievement entrepreneurship program, aiming to develop the entrepreneurial, digital and communication skills needed for future careers and to encourage students to put the knowledge gained in the JA entrepreneurship education program into practice and move from idea to pilot business or start-up.

The incubator and competition resources are available in the entrepreneurship education course on the DreamShaper (business plan writing) and LMS JA LEARN (entrepreneurship education course) platforms. If you do not have access to these platforms, please register for the entrepreneurship education programs and then provide your school or university students with the details on how to access these platforms.

BizzFactory™ Incubator and International Entrepreneurship Competition 2024 Schedule

10 November 2023 - 31 January 2024

  • Registration of student teams for taking part in the national incubator is done by the coordinating teacher via the DreamShaper platform, us-ing the instructions in the teacher account. Registrations are only available to high school and university students whose coordinating teachers have an active Agreement in their teacher account for im-plementing the JA entrepreneurship education program

8 January - 30 April 2024 National entrepreneurship incubator

  • Teams prepare their business plan and pilot the chosen prod-uct/service
  • PTeams take part in training and guidance webinars provided by busi-ness representatives (teams receive regular updates)
  • Teams from each country start building their virtual booths for VIRTU-AL EXPO on www.GEN-E.eu – the international entrepreneurship com-petition platform
  • Teams attend Gen-E events, including the Virtual Expo and job fair (teams receive regular updates)
  • Students complete the HP Life courses and other materials provided by JA
  • Teams attend online mentoring sessions until mid-April inclusive

6 - 16 May 2024The “Company of the Year - GEN-E" European Competition (online)

  • • Assessing teams' participation in the National Incubator and GEN-E European platform events. Interviews with the jury on the European Gen-E platform for the selection of teams for the Unicredit Foundation Signature award – international jury and for the selection of teams for the national final – national jury

15 - 16 May 2024The “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition – National final (online)

  • 15 May – School students national final
  • 16 May – University students national final
  • The jury, made up of professionals from Romanian companies and entrepreneurs, chooses the teams that will represent Romania at the “Company of the Year - GEN-E" European Competition events
  • Award ceremony – National stage of the “Company of the Year - GEN-E" competition

22 May 2024Official opening of the European Gen-E 2024 event and Virtual Expo, interview with the jury for the online awards
3 June 20242024 “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition

  • Deadline for the submission of the report/pitch deck by the winning teams from each country

24 - 25 June 20242024 “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition

  • Finalist teams from each country
  • Interviews with the main jury (online)

26 - 28 June 20242024 “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition

  • Finalist teams from each country
  • Signature Awards jury interviews (online)

3 July 20242024 “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition (on-site, in Catania, Italy)

  • First place winners in each country
  • Presentations on stage

4 July 20242024 “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition (on-site, in Catania, Italy)

  • First place winners in each country and European Signature Awards winners
  • Stand presentations
  • Award ceremony

The Junior Achievement (JA) entrepreneurship program is the largest global entrepreneurship program for school and university students, running in over 80 countries globally and 32 countries in Europe and aiming to develop and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of 15–30-year-olds.

In Romania, the entrepreneurship program is run in partnership with the Ministry of Education and the educational institutions that are Junior Achievement's partners during the ongoing school/academic year.

The Romanian entrepreneurship program has three components every year:

  1. INSPIRE - Entrepreneurship course (Antreprenor JUNIOR™ – school students and Start UP™ – university students), the theoretical component of the program, with a hybrid version (printed and digital on the JA LEARN LMS platform), carried out in educational institutions throughout the school year and coordinated by teachers enrolled in the program and by JA.
  2. PREPARE - The JA BizzFactory™ National Incubator, the practical component of the program, that aims to develop practical entrepreneurial, digital and communication skills, attitudes and competencies needed for future professions, to motivate students to apply what they have learned in the JA Entrepreneurship Education Program and go from idea to business pilot or start-up. The Incubator has two sections – School students and University students –, runs from November 10 to May 10, and uses the DREAMSHAPER™ platform.
  3. SUCCEED“Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition – brings together teams of young people who have a business pilot or a start-up and includes several stages, running until the European finals of July 2024 – (see schedule below). The competition is run on the GEN-E European platform.

With the support of the Romanian business community, teachers' and young people's participation in all stages of the “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition in Romania is FREE of charge. Teams of school/university students who take part in stage 2 – PREPARE/Entrepreneurship Incubator – and carry out a company pilot/start-up, may, on request, have their participation equated with the compulsory school or university practice required of the students.

Teams of school and university students can enter the JA Bizzfactory Incubator and “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition with business ideas in the following 10 areas:

  1. Agribusiness
  2. Arts, culture, media
  3. Creative industries, design and crafts
  4. Engineering, applied sciences, IT&C
  5. Trade, import-export, e-commerce
  6. Raw materials production/processing
  7. Sport and outdoor
  8. Social affairs
  9. Education and career development
  10. Tourism

The viability of the mini-company and the realism of the business plan are more important than the complexity of the product offered and its innovativeness/originality. The mini-company must register sales or the team must have a prototype (minimum viable product) for which it can demonstrate that there is demand.

The most active teams with feasible business ideas will receive prizes (details in the regulation). The “Company of the Year – GEN-E" European Competition Grand Prize will be awarded to the best pilot business in the competition: a scholarship for three members of the winning team to attend the Gen-E finals in Italy, Catania, 3-4 July 2024.

The incubator is also a school or university practice activity. Thus, we recommend that interested schools and teachers equate the students' participation with school or university practice.

At the end of the JA BizzFactory™ incubator, the jury will choose the teams that will represent Romania at the European Junior Achievement events:

  • Gen-E: 2024 Company of the Year (entrepreneurship for high school students);
  • Gen-E: 2024 European Enterprise Challenge (entrepreneurship for university students);
  • Social Innovation Relay 2024 (social entrepreneurship for high school students).

Project organized by Junior Achievement Romania, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, and supported by:
