ABC Health – Healthy Eating. Sport. Prevention

ABC Health – Healthy Eating. Sport. Prevention

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ABC Health – Healthy Eating. Sport. Prevention is part of the international Young Health Programme, supported by AstraZeneca in more than 20 countries with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle.


In Romania, the program started in 2012, offering high school students an approach that includes formal and non-formal education components. Through these components, students are encouraged to develop informed habits for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and diabetes, by understanding risk factors and the body's needs.


The program features the Healthy Eating. Sports. Prevention educational module, recommended for optional courses carried out in the classroom and based on a kit that includes a teacher’s guide and a student’s workbook.

The content offers an integrated approach, allowing students to explore different factors or habits that can influence the health of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems and to set goals for healthy living while planning physical activity and eating habits.

"The #InvestInYourHealth program is really well thought out and the supporting materials are easy to use. The proposed themes are particularly topical and interesting for students. I found the theme on the importance of physical activities especially useful this year, when online schooling has affected students' physical exercise schedules." – Teacher, Gheorghe Lazar National College, Sibiu

"The #InvestInYourHealth program has helped me get to know my body better, identify the internal and external factors determining health or illness and what rules I need to follow to stay healthy at home, at school and in the community. I understood why it is so important to eat healthy food and have a healthy lifestyle, and now I can also help others with info and recommendations." – Student, Cuza Voda National College, Husi