Skills for Success in Career and Business

Skills for Success in Career and Business

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Skills for Success in Career and Business is a career guidance and entrepreneurship project for young people aged 16-24, which aims to develop key skills for career success and to foster entrepreneurial qualities needed to succeed in business.

  • The project will involve high school and university students from all across the country, mainly from Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj, Targu Mures and Iasi.
  • The activities planned within the project aim to improve communication, presentation, interpersonal, organization and entrepreneurship skills, innovation, goal setting and project management skills, flexibility and adaptability.

Project components:

  • Classroom program – implemented by teachers selected and trained by Junior Achievement (JA) Romania, complemented by presentations of practical models and case studies, delivered by Accenture consultants; the program includes a communication skills course, discussions on practical examples, role-playing activities, educational materials and assessments.
  • Webinars for students – focusing on elements that ease labour market integration: how to apply for a job; how to create a CV and cover letter; how to identify the skills needed for different jobs or how to start and run your own business; advice on business plans.
  • Job Shadow Day – for on-the-job observation and experiencing of real work activities.

The project is part of the Junior Achievement entrepreneurship education and career guidance programs, recognized by the Ministry of Education, while access to the educational materials, online platforms and webinars is free for all participants.

I found this online activity, part of the Skills for Success in Career and Business project, to be very useful, interesting and topical, as it helps students become the adults of the future. As a teacher, I really liked the format of the presentation and its content, and the practical activity gave us teachers and the participating students the opportunity to discover who we are, what we are like and what our predominant personality type is." – Teacher, Mihail Kogalniceanu Economic College, Focsani

I think the Girls in Tech mentoring program, part of the Skills for Success in Career and Business project, is really amazing, because, besides the wealth of information it provides, it is also a great way to discover people who are very supportive, making it a pleasant learning environment for everyone. This year's edition exceeded all my expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. I would definitely repeat this experience where I and my fellow team members learned how to create a mobile app that can solve a specific problem in a community. I hope this project will continue for a long time, as it is an experience that needs to be enjoyed by as many students as possible." – Student, I.L. Caragiale National College, Bucharest