HP Life

HP Life

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HP Foundation and Junior Achievement Romania support students in their online learning journey! HP LIFE is a global program that provides free online entrepreneurial and IT skills courses to learners around the world. HP LIFE is offered by the HP Foundation.

The HP LIFE online courses are designed for school and university students to learn what they need to know to establish and develop a business. The easy access of the courses provides the opportunity for users to learn more about design thinking, effective leadership and the basics of finance. Students can learn at their own pace, in their own time, across 5 thematic areas (communication, start-up and innovation, finance, marketing and operation). The courses can be completed by school and university students in Romanian, on the JA LMS platform. See this factsheet and ask your teacher for details on how to access the course.

The interactive courses offer a wide range of practical exercises and are based on a modular concept that fosters the development of business skills.

The program is accessed directly by school and university students and is also used by teachers to enrich the Company Program activities.

The modules are easy to use, fun, interactive and can be completed individually, as homework, or in teams, as part of participatory activities.

HP LIFE courses can be accessed in Romanian on the JA LEARN platform.

The HP LIFE courses support students during their preparation for the Entrepreneurial Skills Pass exam. An analysis of the results of ESP so far shows that acquiring financial skills and knowledge of the legal requirements needed to run a business are essential for a future entrepreneur. Therefore, we recommend students to take the following e-learning courses provided by HP Life:

  • Business communications
  • Business email
  • Basics of finance
  • Profit and loss
  • Finding funding
  • Cash flow
  • Sales forecasting
  • Selling online
  • Setting prices
  • Starting a small business
  • Your target audience

Completing the HP LIFE e-learning courses helps students to strengthen their business knowledge/skills and to be ready for the Entrepreneurial Skills Pass final exam. 

The JA BizzFactory Incubator has been a very enjoyable and useful experience for us. We broadened our business perspectives, learned how to make a business and financial plan, interacted with mentors from a wide variety of fields and gained a lot of valuable experience.
The HP Romania volunteers were very open, provided constant constructive feedback and we had a lot to learn from them. We are very happy to have been part of the program and thank you for everything. Your activities have a real impact on education and the future of young people."
– Student team, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi.

The JA BizzFactory Incubator experience was beneficial for us as a team and future entrepreneurs, but also for the development of the idea itself. The collaboration we had with our mentors, the HP volunteers, and the training seminars helped the team evolve into a community built on understanding the needs of our users. Moreover, winning the award was an important step to confirm that we are on the right track to stand out in the digital health product market that Romania needs." – Student team, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Targu Mures