Entrepreneurial University

Entrepreneurial University

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Launched in 2016, the project proposes a new approach to entrepreneurship and innovation in academia and transforming higher education institutions into engines that bring progress to the community.


Entrepreneurial University aims to support universities in developing entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial approaches at management level and in relation to the business community, as well as in providing entrepreneurial education and dynamic student training for entry into the labour market.


4th edition project stages (March 2022-March 2025)

  • Entrepreneurship training through JA Start-Up program and BizzFactory™ Incubator (with the possibility of entrepreneurial practice), free access to educational materials and resources on the JA Inspire™ platform and through online training sessions for teachers and students on entrepreneurship and related topics, case study sessions and good practice examples
  • Mini-grants session for entrepreneurial projects in universities (details and guidelines for applications until 16.10.2024)
    See the regulations and download the documents – application form and budget template.

3rd edition project stages (December 2020-December 2021)

  • Entrepreneurship training through the JA Start-Up program and the BizzFactory™ incubator and online training sessions for teachers and students
  • Mini-grants session for entrepreneurial projects in universities (details and guidelines for application until 15.02.2021)
  • JA Entrepreneurial Practice Program

2nd edition project stages (December 2018-December 2020)

  • Mini-grants competition – supporting entrepreneurial projects for teachers and students run in universities and entrepreneurial hubs
  • Development of educational activities in entrepreneurial HUBs – based on models designed by JA Romania – in collaboration with the local business community
  • Expansion of the JA Entrepreneurial Practice Program: students have the opportunity to equate – through the JA BizzFactory Incubator – the mandatory practice period by piloting a product or service related to their field of study/academic profile

1st edition implementation results (April 2016-May 2018)

  • Using the HEInnovate tool (developed by the European Commission and OECD) to identify the needs for intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship at university level.
  • 4,860 respondents – 34 universities (88 faculties) – 18 cities

  • Harnessing research results in workshops with stakeholders relevant to universities – Innovation Days – to generate solutions for the challenges highlighted by the self-assessment and to define a future strategy for developing entrepreneurial approaches.
  • 546 participants – 9 universities (47 faculties) – 9 cities

  • Creation of a set of tools and measures for the development of an entrepreneurship education curriculum and of a network of 17 entrepreneurship hubs in universities. Free participation in:
    • Intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship courses for teachers and university management;
    • Entrepreneurship courses/modules for students in hybrid learning (blended learning) format;
    • JA Start Up European entrepreneurship program and JA Business Plan Challenge, JA Company of the Year, JA European Enterprise Challenge competitions;
    • JA Bizzfactory university student practice program;
    • University profile specific courses in partnership with the business community.

HEInnovate Romania 2017 participation results

Map of University Entrepreneurial Hubs

Entrepreneurial University Overview

For school and university students, Junior Achievement Romania is a source of information and a springboard into entrepreneurship. The collaboration model – built on learning by doing – helps develop entrepreneurial skills and eases the transition from idea to business. The great advantage of Junior Achievement's programs, like the Entrepreneurial University, is that they offer a complete package: educational resources, incubators to develop practical skills and interaction with experts and successful people. The key to the perfect combination of learning and doing is the Junior Achievement team, which manages to engage and motivate young people into becoming successful future entrepreneurs." – Teacher, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi, Iasi

The entrepreneurship competition organized by JA Romania gave us the opportunity to build on our knowledge, both in entrepreneurship and in other extremely important related fields, and to step out of our comfort zone. It motivated and encouraged us to achieve great things, to work as a team, to learn practical and extremely important things, and above all to better manage our time and manage it properly, so that we can succeed academically, personally and professionally.
A big thank you to all those involved in this project, both organizers and professionals in their fields, who during the webinars, trainings and consultancy sessions shared with us some of their expertise and experience. Thank you for this great opportunity to assert ourselves and to build, brick by brick, an idea, and then a successful business!"
– Student, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Romanian-American Foundation (RAF) was established in 2009, as a gift from the American people to the Romanian people. Its mission is to promote and consolidate the necessary conditions for a sustainable market economy and a democratic society, which would ensure access to opportunities for all segments of the Romanian population. RAF interventions cover three strategic priorities: rural economy, technology and innovation, civic involvement. Educational programs are a transversal component throughout all of the foundation’s interventions, providing students with access to quality education and contributing to the sustainability of the programs.