Money Sense

Money Sense

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The Money Sense educational project, started in the 2021-2022 school year as part of JA's Economic and Financial Education program, is aimed at middle school students and implemented in educational institutions with the support of Asirom.

The project applies the learning by doing principle, specific to Junior Achievement programs, as well as technology, giving students the chance to practice and develop different knowledge and skills for the future.


Through a variety of learning by doing and hybrid learning activities, designed to support different learning styles, students understand economic concepts, the role of money in society, consumption and saving, and learn how to be more responsible and properly manage their resources while making rational decisions about their own finances, depending on potential risks.


The project and educational activities are carried out in class and online, while the participating teachers and students have free access to the JA Learn Platform and to a digital educational kit on financial and economic education, adapted to the learning needs of middle school students, which combines essential theoretical notions with exercises, practical learning activities and real-life examples that apply to both individuals and companies alike.

By using the project's resources, students find answers to some essential questions:

  • What is the role of money in everyday life?
  • How can we properly manage our resources?
  • How do we make the best financial decisions?
  • How can we wisely use money in a small business?

Moreover, teachers receive free training and advice on carrying out the activities.

Asirom VIG is one of the leading insurance companies on the market, with 30 years of experience in Romania. The company has a national network of 140 agencies, 1,500 active agents and numerous external partners.
Asirom is part of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), a company with more than 200 years of experience in the financial sector and a leader in the insurance market, both in Austria and in Central and Eastern Europe. VIG manages 50 insurance companies in 30 countries and has over 25,000 employees. The group has the highest rating in the ATX index on the Austrian stock market and is also listed on the Prague Stock Exchange.