Girls Go Circular

Girls Go Circular

Girls Go Circular, an EU-funded educational project, is aimed at young people aged 16 to 19. In the Junior Achievement network, the project is implemented in 23 countries – Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Ukraine.

The pilot edition, which ran from September to December 2020, also involved JA organizations from four countries – Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, and Romania.


Through an online learning program on circular economy, the project seeks to develop digital and entrepreneurial skills for European girls aged 16-19. While the aim is to encourage girls to focus on STEM fields, boys’ participation is also allowed and encouraged.


Available on an e-learning platform, the digital modules developed as part of Girls Go Circular allow students to deepen their knowledge of circular economy, while also acquiring digital and entrepreneurial skills. Under the guidance of teachers, students engage in practical activities – both individually and in groups – that enable them to find solutions to major social and environmental challenges.

Girls Go Circular includes online learning modules on the challenges of sustainable extraction, consumption and reuse of natural resources, encouraging students to become agents of change in the ecological transition process.

Students and teachers can access for free the digital interactive activities, available in both English and Romanian.

I really enjoyed working on the e-learning platform on which the Girls Go Circular European project modules are available, and my students were also delighted. The online safety module is very well structured, with information provided in an interactive way, highlighting all the possible problems that can occur when using the Internet. The challenges proposed gave us the opportunity to be creative, to apply all the concepts learned and to better prepare ourselves for life. The platform activity was a good opportunity to talk about the businesses that can be developed in this area, about how we can innovate and how we can access the funds needed to start a business. I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to take part in the pilot edition of this project, our school being among the first schools in Romania to benefit from this wonderful educational material and also to provide feedback for improving certain aspects to make the user experience easier." – High school teacher

I am very happy to have participated in the pilot edition of Girls Go Circular! The interface of the learning space is very interactive and the information presented is easy to remember, as well as very useful and topical. I learned a lot of new things. The matters covered are real-life issues that can affect us and have a direct influence on us. I think all young people should know these things, so I greatly recommend this project to high school students and beyond." – High school student

In the Junior Achievement (JA) network, the project, developed and led by EIT Community, is coordinated by JA Europe.

More details about the project are available here:

The coordinating teacher's leaflet can be accessed HERE.