Success Skills for Young People in Your Community

Success Skills for Young People in Your Community

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Success Skills for Young People in Your Community 2.0 is an educational project run by Junior Achievement (JA) Romania with the support of OMV Petrom, that offers high school students the opportunity to develop themselves professionally and to get involved in the life of their communities through practical learning activities, multidisciplinary skills training, and civic awareness.

The educational resources needed to run the project are offered free of charge to participating students and teachers, some of these being provided by volunteers from OMV Petrom who, through their professional experience and inspiring examples from their daily work, encourage and stimulate the enhancement of creativity, communication, and teamwork.

The main objectives of the project are to help students gain the confidence, practical knowledge, and essential attributes they need to prepare for their future careers, while also building their awareness of sustainable jobs, methods and practices that are the future of national and global labour markets.


  • Innovation Day
    A workshop where students are encouraged to use their creative skills and entrepreneurial thinking to identify innovative solutions to topical problems or real issues in their community. Teamwork with volunteers turns ideas into real plans for developing a business to benefit the community and the environment.
  • Energy Jobs course
    Educational material that allows students to explore current jobs in the energy production industry and discover the skills, education and experience required.
  • JA BizzFactory™ incubator
    Online sessions for students enrolled in the JA BizzFactory™ competition, introducing concepts of sustainability, circular economy, and other concepts of entrepreneurial innovation through which students can develop their business ideas while helping their community through innovative solutions to environmental problems.

“Innovation Day was about knowledge and self-discovery, about learning new things and then sharing them with others. But more than that, this kind of event teaches you how to behave in public, how to do the right research, and then how to be persuasive in argument. It doesn't matter if you are not in the winning team, you always feel like a winner!“ – Student, Fratii Buzesti National College, Craiova, Dolj county

“Innovation Day events are truly professional and unique in Romania. The «Success Skills for Young People in Your Community» project shows great respect and love for students and a lot of passion in promoting entrepreneurship in Romania.“ – Teacher, Carol I National College, Craiova, Dolj county