

Skills4Retail is a project funded by the European Commission Erasmus and Partnerships for Innovation, dedicated to the triple transition towards green economy, digital skills and resilience in European retail.

The project focuses on industry and labor market needs by developing the digital skills required in retail and by preparing the European workforce for a dynamic and sustainable future. The project development brings together 30 participating partners from 9 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Hungary).


The project's objective is to build and broaden the types of skills available to retail employees across Europe by developing a set of courses targeting the triple transition – sustainability, digital literacy and resilience.


  • Training programs developed according to the current needs of the retail industry, taking into account recent trends such as e-commerce, sustainability and data analytics;
  • A new and innovative curriculum concept for high schools and universities;
  • A pilot training program targeting economic high schools and universities, which includes two types of actions – addressing the urgent skills needs and building the long-term skill set required in the retail sector.