Re-Power Your Future

Re-Power Your Future

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Re-Power Your Future is an ambitious project, developed in partnership with UniCredit Foundation and having as main objectives to raise awareness of the importance of education and to develop essential skills required to build a promising future. It is particularly aimed at students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and seeks to provide them with resources and inspiration to shape their success in life. The project is carried out across 10 European countries: Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.


The project's objective is to provide sustainable solutions for continuing education in economically disadvantaged environments, addressing both students – through its prevention component – and schools – through its support to teaching component.

The project activities help students define their interests and skills, make projections for their future and gain a better understanding of the economic benefits and advantages of education and school. Moreover, by taking part in the project, teachers discover new approaches and tools to attract students to school and keep them in the educational process for as long as possible.


The "Re-power your future" project offers a range of educational activities aligned to the Inspire, Prepare, Succeed strategy to encourage and support the personal and professional development of learners by developing the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to take control of their future and achieve their ambitions. Some of these activities are:

  1. Classroom activities to develop a set of core knowledge and skills that help increase motivation, self-confidence and the ability of young people to set goals for their professional future.
  2. Learning by doing experiences, based on JA's Job Shadow Day and Innovation Day international formats, which develop and strengthen skills, attitudes, and competencies while allowing students to explore jobs from various industries and to gain an entrepreneurial perspective.
  3. Learning experiences applied in real-life contexts, developed using the JA Incubator format, which provide students with exposure to role models, interactions with professionals, practice opportunities and the chance to turn their ideas into viable businesses.

About UniCredit Foundation
UniCredit Foundation is the corporate foundation of the UniCredit Group, with the aim of unlocking the potential of the next generation in Europe. Its mission is to empower young people across Europe through equal opportunities in education and to help them find their way in life and the world of work. The foundation’s initiatives aim to combat early school leaving, improve employability, promote higher education qualifications and support study and research. The foundation is active in all countries in which the UniCredit Group operates.